
助成金申請内容は、「月のしずく財団」によって作られた科学的評価基準に基づき、独立した科学委員会が審査します。 当財団の目的は、すべてのアクアフォトミクス研究に対して、研究貢献を無駄にすることなく、かつ同時に研究内容をオープンにすることです。

Application for grant is accepted only with Google Form. I will explain the input items of the form.  There are 5 types of research grants for Aquaphotomics below. 1 to hold a symposium or meeting 2 to employ a worker or a researcher 3 to buy a laboratory equipment 4 to travel on the activities related to Aquaphotomics 5 to launch a research project for Aquaphotomics
The input items of each kind are as follows
Application for research grant

Items that need to be entered for grant application: 
Name of the applicant (representative)  sex  Affiliated organization of the applicant (representative)  E-mail address of the applicant(representative)  Telephone number of the applicant(representative)  Position of the applicant (representative)  Account information to receive the research grant

 Grants are only awarded to applicants who observe the grant restrictions listed below.  You should agree with our conditions.
If you violate the conditions attached to the research grant, you must return the whole grant including the grants you received before.  So be careful. 
In order to apply for a grant, it is necessary to faithfully answer the following questions:
Will you spend the whole grant on aquaphotomics research?
Do you agree that you will return the whole grant, including the grants you received before, if you used this grant differently, without consent of the foundation, than written in your original grant proposal? 
Do you already receive or will receive a grant or subsidy from a profit organization (e.g. company selling health food) for the specific project that you apply for? Do you agree that you return the whole grant including the grants you received before, when you already received or receive a grant or subsidy from a profit organization? Do you agree that you will submit reports of results and receipts after you spend the grant? You have to submit them within 3 months after you spend the grant. Do you agree that in the case of applying for patents related to the project you apply for, that you will inform us in advance so that we can have a fair discussion about an exclusive license, or you return the whole grant, including the grants you received before, when you don’t inform us? Do you agree that you will inform us in advance, when you want to make your research related to the project you apply for publicly known (e.g. publication, Internet)? Do you agree that you and the Foundation hereby consent to and confer exclusive jurisdiction upon Osaka District Court over any disputes arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement?    Items that need to be answered according to the type of grant are as follows 1 to hold a symposium or meeting   Date and time of the symposium or meeting Address of the symposium or meeting  Theme of the symposium or meeting  Program of the symposium or meeting  Estimated number of participants  Currency unit when you receive the research grant  Account of payments (venue rental fee) Account of payments (travel expenses)  Account of payments (supplies expenses)  Account of payments (personnel expenses)  Account of payments (etc.)
Gross amount
 2 to employ a worker or a researcher  Name of the worker or the researcher  Reasons for hiring the worker or the researcher  Employment period  Unit price and working hours per day  Gross amount  3 to buy a laboratory equipment 4 to travel on the activities related to Aquaphotomics  Your career related to Aquaphotomics  Purpose of your travel  Length of your stay  Schedule during your stay  Your place to stay(address)  Currency unit when you receive the research grant  Account of paymentstravel expenses  Account of paymentsetc.  Gross amount 5 to launch a research project for Aquaphotomics  Research subject Research period  Purpose of the research (significance and implications of the research, main features)  Research plan and method  Research progress and preparation status for the research  Research situation in Japan and overseas related to the research  Application status of similar projects to other organizations  Outline of research organization  Matters concerning patents related to the research  Brief Resume about <Education><Working History> <Academic degrees>  Research activities and achievements List of Major PublicationsAuthors , title, Journal,  Vol., No, pp. - , Month, Year, 10 or less  Do you need an approval from your affiliated organization?Individual applicant is not required to fill in Accounts of payments(Supplies expenses) Accounts of payments(Travel expenses) Accounts of payments(Personnel expenses) Accounts of payments(etc.)

The input items of each kind are as follows
Application for research grant